Both Easy and Difficult

To Reach A Developers Heart

First of all I am not a recruiter and also not really a content writer. So I can't tell how to write those perfect messages, job descriptions, cold emails... But I am a developer and can tell what those words make me feel. Another thing is any developer with certain experience got those mails/messages so many times that we can tell the shortcomings, which resonates and which does not.


The first and most important aspect is honesty, make sure the message is correct. This doesn't mean you are lying but sometimes this happens unintentionally. A job description can have the wrong tech stack/version, or over-promise about an aspect of a company. Or simply it is outdated and needs an update. These will be revealed sooner or later and broken expectations won't fix easily.

Ask To A Developer


An interesting, different, cool message might bring you more attention, that's true. But those messages won't be their first priority, especially when they are not looking for a job, and receive them every day. So I suggest, at least, not overdoing it. Would you try a tech joke? Think twice, if you were not in developer circles long enough, that joke might sound more cringe than funny.

Ask To A Developer


Why would a developer check a job opening, or a message on LinkedIn? Easy, they expect to see some opportunities. Opportunities to work with that shiny technology, to work on that cool product, a little salary increase, work for a better managed company, maybe even find a mentor... Touch those pain points, and give them what they want to see. Try to match the expectations.

Ask To A Developer

How It Works

Fill the form below and ask your question. You don't have to reveal company or real names. But give as much information as possible, to help me to understand your problem and the context. Expect an email response within a week. That's all!